Come out and support our music department while listening to some great tunes!
9 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come out and support the Class of 2026 at their Breakfast with Santa on December 16!
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
🐾 Pre-K to 12th grade report cards are now available through SchoolTool. The SchoolTool link can be found on the ECS Website Parent's Page, along with directions on how to access the report card. If parents have forgotten their login information, they can call the guidance office at 965-8674. Thanks!
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
** Transportation Guideline Changes **
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Wednesday, December 6th is Individual Picture Retake Day. If your student did not have their picture take before, they will be scheduled this day. If you would like your student to have their pictures RETAKE, please click on the link below and fill out the Microsoft Form to be scheduled. If you have any questions about picture packages or what to do with your current pictures, please contact Lifetouch Customer Care at 800-736-4753 or chat with them online at
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come out and enjoy our Pre-K to 4th grade holiday concert on December 14 at 9:00 am!
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
🏀 Basketball season is right around the corner for kids in kindergarten - 6th grade! Registrations are due to Jeremy Robinson by Friday, November 17 (either by mail or returned to the main office at school). If you have any questions, please let us know!
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Good luck today, ladies! Tickets and the live-stream link are below! Ticket Link: Live-Stream Link:
10 months ago, Edmeston Central School
In need of holiday photos? Support the ECS Music Association and capture some memories to last a lifetime. See details below and contact Miss Rockwell at to reserve your spot!
11 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come support the ECS Music Association at the 2nd Annual Night On Broadway Concert! This event will include desserts and punch as well as performances from the students in the 5th-12th grade choirs! Please see Miss Rockwell or any choir member to purchase your tickets!
11 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Please come support the senior class as they present Clue: On Stage! The senior play will be November 3 at 8:00 pm and Sunday, November 5 at 5:00 pm. Tickets will be available at the door.
11 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Individual picture day is Thursday, October 19.
11 months ago, Edmeston Central School
This is open to any person in our community, just email Laura Porter ( to register!
11 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come out and support our clubs, classes, and athletes at ECS's Homecoming games on Saturday, September 23. Our ECS Booster Club will be selling concessions all day and our classes/clubs will have many items for sale! Good luck to our athletes who will be playing all day! Go Panthers! 🐾
12 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Please see the NYS Health Department release below about a positive case of rabies in Otsego County.
12 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Please see any senior to preorder or contact or Preorders will end on 9/27. Thank you for supporting the Class of 2024!
12 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come out and support the Class of 2026 at their Can and Bottle Drive on September 23, from 8 to 10 in the North Street Parking Lot. Thank you!
12 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Our Emergency Evacuation Drill will be on Thursday, September 28. Please see the letter below before more information. If you have any questions, please contact the school. Thank you!
12 months ago, Edmeston Central School
A special "Thank You" goes out to Mrs. and Mrs. Gordan and Joan Terry for providing the district with American flags for our Flag Day celebration. Flags were provided to all students in grades PrK-4. Students attended a Flag Day assembly with information about Flag Day presented by our 4th grade students and teachers, Mrs. Kaitlyn Phillips and Mrs. Lindsey Clark. Following the assembly all students placed their flag in the front lawn of the school. The flags will remain there until Friday, June 16th, after which time time each student will be able to take their flag home. Thanks again to the Terry's and to our 4th grades!
about 1 year ago, Edmeston Central School
Upcoming Events at ECS!
over 1 year ago, Edmeston Central School