We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you that the district will be presenting a Capital Reserve Fund presentation during the upcoming Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, October 8th at 7:00 PM. This meeting will take place in the Auditorium, and we encourage all community members to attend. To address any misunderstandings or misconceptions regarding the upcoming Capital Reserve Fund Vote, we have provided a Frequently Asked Questions flyer. This resource is designed to clarify the purpose of the vote and the implications for our district and community. Please mark your calendars: the Capital Reserve Fund Vote will be held on November 13, 2024, from 12:00 to 8:00 PM at the North Street Entrance of the school. We appreciate your involvement and support as we work together to enhance our schools and provide the best possible learning environment for our students.
4 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Edmeston will be doing one or more drills during the week of October 7.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
CROP Reminder: There is no CROP on Tuesday, October 8. Thank you!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Biking to school is a great way to stay active. At ECS we encourage students to safely ride their bikes to school, following the guidelines in the picture.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Please see the letter below about the impact of the Reassessment Projects completed for the Towns of Burlington and Edmeston in 2024.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Dear Families, As we settle back into the school year and the seasons begin to change, we often see an increase in illnesses. Your child's health and safety are our top priority, and we encourage you to refer to the Respiratory Virus Guidance Snapshot for any questions you may have. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our community healthy! You can also visit The New York State Health Department for additional questions: New York State Department of Health (ny.gov).
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Please see the attached letter about the lockout today at ECS. The letter has also been emailed to all parents/guardians.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
The sophomores are selling Heidelberg bread! All orders are due by September 30th. Contact a sophomore to order. Thanks for your support!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
ECS drill announcement!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Good morning - Edmeston Central School was made aware of a threat made against students “at BOCES”. The individual who posted the language online did not specify which BOCES campus. Edmeston Central School was NOT mentioned in the social media post. Law enforcement has been contacted and believe the threat is not credible but will continue to investigate. Law enforcement will be present at BOCES today. Please see the letter for more details. This letter has also been emailed to all parents/guardians.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come out and join us for a great day of soccer!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Come cook with us!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
On Friday, September 27, ECS will conduct the annual off-site emergency evacuation drill.
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
There will be a bottle drive supporting the Junior Class on Saturday, September 14, from 8:00 - 10:00 am!
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Attached is an invitation to the public to participate in the Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) Forum. This forum is designed to provide information about the BRC/graduation measures work as well as to gather additional feedback from parents and community members. https://btboces-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckc-mtpjosGNzfeirLSuoRX4cK9vjz8QSM#/registration
5 months ago, Edmeston Central School
We will be having some upcoming drills the week of September 9!!
6 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Open House will be Wednesday, September 11 from 6:00 to 7:30! Here are some announcements for that night from the Guidance Office.
6 months ago, Edmeston Central School
We have updated our cell phone procedures for this upcoming school year!
6 months ago, Edmeston Central School
ECS free/reduced lunch information!
6 months ago, Edmeston Central School
Schedules for students in grades 5-12 are now ready for viewing on the student/parent portal on SchoolTool. If a student would like to discuss adding or dropping an elective, they may email or call Katlyn Carnachan, School Counselor at 965-8674 on Tuesday August 27th or Wednesday August 28th from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Students will receive a paper copy of their schedule from their first period teacher on September 5th.
6 months ago, Edmeston Central School